Proximity Warning Alert System for Forklift Safety

Source-Waytronic Security 2024-09-11

As technology becomes more and more advanced, a problem has gradually emerged in all industries, that is, the safety issue. To this day, safety issues have always been the top priority of industrial production. Then, the safety solution that came into being——the proximity warning alert system has become our protagonist today. The system plays a great role in preventing safety accidents and eliminating potential safety hazards by judging potential dangers around the vehicle and alerting drivers and pedestrians in a timely manner to prevent safety collisions from occurring.

What is Proximity Warning Alert System?

Proximity Warning Alert System (PWAS) detects potential dangers within the safety range of forklifts or industrial vehicles through technologies such as radar sensors, AI pedestrian detection cameras, or UWB ranging, and promptly warns drivers and pedestrians to improve production safety.

proximity warning alert system

How does the proximity warning alert system work?

1. A tag-based proximity warning alert system that can provide a 360-degree detection safety zone. This is achieved through tags. When the staff wearing the tag approaches the safety distance preset by the host, the system will issue an audible and visual reminder to alert the driver and pedestrians.

2. A non-tag-based proximity warning alert system that uses an AI pedestrian detection camera to monitor pedestrians and objects near the forklift in real time. When pedestrians approach the safety distance preset by the system, the system will issue an audible and visual reminder to alert the driver and pedestrians.

3. A radar sensor-based proximity warning alert system that uses a radar sensor to detect obstacles behind the forklift. When the radar probe detects a person/object behind the vehicle, the system will issue an audible and visual reminder to alert the driver and pedestrians.

The emergence of proximity warning alert systems represents a huge improvement in industrial production safety. By detecting potential dangers around vehicles in real time, production safety is improved, and enterprises or personnel are more aware of production safety hazards. These systems play a vital role in preventing accidents and protecting life and property. With the development of various industries, safety will inevitably be put first, and the application of proximity warning systems will become more and more extensive, thus providing enterprises, production, and employees with a safer and more reliable working environment.

If you have any safety issues about forklifts or heavy industrial vehicles that you want to know, you can contact us at any time!



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