Forklift Anti Collision System -WTSAFE

Source-Waytronic Security 2024-09-13

Forklifts are widely used in warehouses, factories, logistics, docks and other areas. However, due to the low mobility of forklifts and the frequent interaction between personnel and vehicles in warehouses and other places, they are very likely to cause safety hazards. According to industry statistics, one out of every 10 forklifts will have a collision accident in a year. Therefore, the application of forklift anti collision system is a necessary safety measure for enterprises, which can effectively improve the safety of warehouse production.

Types of forklift anti collision systems

1. Forklift anti collision system based on UWB technology, using UWB ranging technology, pedestrians wearing tags, through the wireless communication between the tag and the host , measuring the distance between the pedestrian tag and the forklift to warn the driver and pedestrians, to avoid the risk of forklift collision occurs.

forklift anti collision system

2. Forklift anti collision system based on AI pedestrian detection camera. Pedestrians are detected by the AI pedestrian detection camera installed on the forklift, and the display screen will show the distance and position of pedestrians in real time. If pedestrians are detected exceeding the preset safety distance, the system will use sound and light to warn the driver and pedestrians, reducing the possibility of forklift collision.

forklift anti collision system

Advantages of forklift anti-collision system

1. It can realize anti-collision functions in various scenarios, such as forklift and pedestrian anti-collision, forklift and forklift anti-collision, warehouse corner anti-collision, regional speed limit, etc.

2. UWB ranging technology can achieve a minimum accuracy of 10cm, without blind spots, and can realize 360-degree anti-collision warning.

3. AI pedestrian detection camera has accurate recognition and long recognition distance, and can cover forklifts in all directions to achieve anti-collision without blind area.

If you are in charge of a warehouse or logistics center, you want to ensure the safety of every employee, minimize the risk of accidents and increase the productivity of your factory. Forklift anti collision system is the most suitable solution for you, which is one of the tools to keep your warehouse and factory operating efficiently, if you have any questions about forklift safety, please feel free to contact us!



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