Forklift speeding accidents ---- Ten accidents, nine speeding

Source-Waytronic Security 2024-02-15

Nine out of ten accidents are speeding. Forklift safety accidents in factories are often closely related to forklift speeding.

On March 23, 2021, a forklift driver was involved in an accident in the second workshop of an automotive parts manufacturing company in an area. The forklift was traveling in the workshop passageway, preparing to load production materials. Unfortunately, it ran over a worker. This resulted in the worker being seriously injured on the spot.


There are various reasons for causing accidents:

1. forklift operation process, forklift driver did not observe the changes in the surrounding environment, that is, forklift driver's attention is not focused.

2. through the site environment analysis and accident scene restoration, it was found that the forklift driving speed is too fast, in the factory area, the forklift driving speed should be limited to 15km/h or less.

3. Pedestrians and forklifts did not divide the lanes.


The three causes of accidents have been analyzed above, but is this really the real cause of accidents?

We continue to explore the causes of accidents in depth and find that they are not limited to the above three causes:

1. We find that the driver is not concentrating, then we need to think about whether this is really a case of the driver not concentrating? Is it possible that the forklift driver has not received formal safety training and is not licensed? Has the forklift driver received safety training in the factory?

2. The forklift truck is too fast, then you need to consider whether the factory has regulated and safely managed the speed? In terms of speed management, has he installed speed management devices? This is also something to consider.

3. Then with regard to the right of way for pedestrians and forklifts, we learned that in this factory, neither personnel nor forklifts were traveling in strict accordance with the rules, which would inevitably lead to collisions between forklifts and personnel.


Therefore, to solve these problems, we should do the following three things:

1. Strengthen safety training for employees and forklift drivers to enhance their safety awareness.

2. Strengthen safety management, standardize the training and qualification of forklift drivers, and manage the right of way for pedestrians and forklifts.

3. Strengthen the speed management of the plant. For forklift speed management, speed management is a very important part of plant safety operations. If you ask a forklift driver not to drive too fast during a turnaround, the driver will have a hard time controlling it because they need to focus on efficiency. But for plant safety management, they require safety to be good, which creates a dichotomy in a way. So how to do it? I think installing speed management devices on forklifts - forklift speed limiters.

Waytronic Security's forklift speed limiter has many functions: three levels of speed warning reminder, forklift speed alarm, forklift speed limit, forklift speed lock and many other modes, which can help enterprises to avoid forklift speeding accidents completely.


If you want to know more about forklift speed limiter or forklift safety products and solutions, please feel free to contact us!



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