Enhancing Workplace Safety: The Need and Benefits of Forklift Collision Avoidance Systems

Source-Waytronic Security 2024-06-20

Forklifts play a very important role in a wide range of industries, where they can effectively improve handling efficiency. However, the frequent use of forklifts in busy warehouses and manufacturing environments inevitably poses a potential risk of collision. Forklift accidents not only pose a threat to personnel safety, but can also lead to property damage and production standstill. For this reason, more and more companies are introducing forklift collision avoidance systems to improve workplace safety.

In this article, we will introduce the necessity of forklift collision avoidance systems, how they work and their main advantages.


The Need for Forklift Collision Avoidance Systems

Forklifts operate in complex environments, where limited sight lines and interference from pedestrians and other equipment increase the risk of collision. According to OSHA forklift pedestrian accident statistics, there are 34,900 major injuries and 85 forklift fatalities each year. Of the 85 fatalities, forklift impacts or collisions are responsible for 10%. In addition to the injuries and fatalities, forklift accidents are costly, with a typical forklift collision costing as much as $180,000. Therefore, the introduction of a forklift collision avoidance system can effectively reduce these risks, protect employee safety and reduce accidents.


What is a Forklift Collision Avoidance System?

Forklift collision avoidance systems are primarily designed to improve the safety of the driver and surrounding pedestrians. They are mainly categorized into sensor based systems and tagless camera systems, sensor based these devices detect potentially dangerous situations for forklift operators and pedestrians and warn them through audible and visual alarms to prevent any accidents.

Another type of camera-based forklift collision avoidance system is realized by using AI technology.Forklift collision avoidance system monitors predefined hazardous areas in real time by using AI cameras, which can detect pedestrians and forklifts and warns them of approaching danger. Moreover, the system can be applied on top of large construction vehicles such as trucks and loaders.


How do forklift collision avoidance systems work?

One of the most critical technologies of the forklift collision avoidance systems is Ultra-wide Band (UWB) technology, which utilizes wireless UWB ranging sensors and tags for information transfer between them. The environment around the forklift is monitored in real time, and when a potential risk is detected, an alarm is automatically issued to alert the driver and pedestrians, and a speed limit and stop can be actively applied.


Advantages of Forklift Collision Avoidance Systems

Improved security

The collision avoidance system monitors and prevents collisions in real time, effectively reducing accident rates and protecting operators and pedestrians alike.

Loss Reduction

Reduce damage to equipment and loss of goods due to collisions, reducing repair and replacement costs.

Improved efficiency

The introduction of a collision avoidance system not only improves safety, but also reduces production downtime due to accidents and improves overall work efficiency.


Waytronic Security's Forklift Collision Avoidance System

Forklift collision avoidance systems are an effective tool for enhancing workplace safety. By monitoring and preventing potential collisions in real time, collision avoidance systems protect employees, reduce equipment damage and cargo loss, and improve overall work efficiency.

Waytronic Security's offers a comprehensive portfolio of forklift collision avoidance systems, our products feature cutting edge UWB technology and de-networked solutions that are versatile and simple to install. For more detailed information on forklift collision avoidance system solutions, you can browse our website or contact us directly for more information on forklift safety systems.



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