Success in the Logistics Industry: How Forklift Collision Avoidance Systems Improve Safety and Efficiency

Source-Waytronic Security 2024-06-20

Forklifts are indispensable equipment in warehouse and factory operations, but their operational risks also pose a challenge to safety management. By introducing a forklift collision avoidance system, a logistics company has effectively improved safety and reduced the incidence of accidents. In this paper, we will introduce the company's actual case in detail to demonstrate the remarkable effectiveness of the forklift collision avoidance system.


A logistics company was experiencing frequent forklift collisions in its daily operations. The main problems include:

Forklift-pedestrian collisions due to blind spots in vision;

Collisions between forklifts;

Forklift collisions in cargo stacking areas;

These accidents not only pose a threat to employee safety, but also lead to equipment damage and cargo loss, which in turn affects work efficiency and operating costs.



In order to improve the overall safety of its warehouse, a logistics company decided to introduce our advanced forklift collision avoidance system. The system utilizes the latest UWB cutting-edge technology to detect the environment around the forklift in real time and sends out alerts, active speed limits and stops when a potential collision risk is detected.

Implementation Processes

System Selection and Installation

After detailed market research and comparison, this logistics company finally chose our Waytronic Security's forklift collision avoidance system. The main functions of the system include:

UWB range sensor detection;

Real-time alarms;

Automatic speed limit function;

The installation process was handled by team of professional technicians who successfully completed the installation of the system on 30 forklifts without affecting normal operations.

Operator Training

To ensure that operators are proficient in the use of the collision avoidance system, the company arranges special training, including the basic operation of the system, alarm response, and handling of emergencies.

System Testing and Adjustment

Prior to going into service, the collision avoidance system is thoroughly tested and adjusted to ensure that it will function properly in a variety of working environments and operating conditions.


Significant reduction in accident rate

Since the forklift collision avoidance system from Waytronic Security was put into use, the forklift accident rate of the logistics company has dropped by 70%. Employee safety has been significantly safeguarded and there have been no more major accidents caused by forklift collisions.

Reduced equipment and cargo damage

The collision avoidance system effectively prevents collisions between forklifts and between forklifts and cargo, resulting in a significant reduction in equipment and cargo damage and a 40% reduction in annual repair and replacement costs.

Improved work efficiency

Due to fewer accidents and less equipment damage, forklift downtime has been dramatically reduced and overall work efficiency has increased by 15%.


Customer Feedback

Mr. Lee, Operations Director of the logistics company, said, "With the introduction of Waytronic Security's forklift collision avoidance system, our working environment has become safer and our employees have more peace of mind. The collision avoidance system not only reduces accidents and losses, but also improves our operational efficiency, which is a very successful investment."


By introducing a forklift collision avoidance system, the logistics company not only significantly improved the safety of its warehouse, but also reduced operating costs and increased work efficiency. This success story proves the importance and great potential of collision avoidance systems in modern warehouse management. Enterprises should actively consider adopting this technology to create a safer and more efficient working environment.

To learn more about the applications and cases of forklift collision avoidance systems, or to get a detailed solution, please contact our professional team!



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