How Proximity Warning Systems Are Preventing Accidents

Source-Waytronic Security 2024-07-17

In modern industrial and warehousing environments, forklift trucks and construction vehicles can be an indispensable piece of equipment, but no matter how large a business is, it is investing heavily in safety and health, putting the safety of its employees at the forefront of its production. Many countries and regions have strict regulations regarding workplace safety, and many safety devices are installed to enhance factory safety.


Personnel safety is always a top priority for business management. Each year, there are approximately 100,000 forklift-related accidents worldwide that result in worker injuries or fatalities. The installation of proximity warning systems has become an important tool in preventing accidents. These systems avoid potential hazards and accidents by monitoring the distance between people, objects and equipment in the work environment and providing timely alerts.

What is a proximity warning system

Proximity warning systems are systems that alert forklifts or construction vehicles when they are approaching pedestrians. In a warehouse or construction site, many materials may block the driver's vision, making it impossible to see the pedestrians, or in a narrow passageway, it is difficult for the driver to see the obstacles. When a forklift or construction vehicle is involved in an accident, pedestrians face the greatest danger. If pedestrians do not realize the distance between them and the forklift in time, there is a great risk of an accident occurring, or even resulting in their death.


How Proximity Warning Systems Work

There are many warning systems or proximity systems on the market, but they are only equipped with simple forklift lights or warning lights, which are not enough to prevent accidents completely. It is not recommended to go for such incomplete solutions.

How to use the proximity warning system to prevent accidents? The best choice is to use sensor technology to accurately identify pedestrians, taking tag-based UWB ranging and tagless AI-based portrait recognition technology, these devices are installed on the forklift trucks, able to detect the presence of pedestrians or obstacles within the designated area, when detected, the device will emit an acoustic and visual warning to alert the driver and pedestrians, and in emergencies In case of emergency, the system can also take deceleration or emergency braking. In case of emergency, the system can also slow down or apply emergency braking. If there is a specific need for cloud-based management, it can also be integrated with our cloud-based system.

We offer a wide range of safety systems for forklift trucks and construction vehicles, suitable for all industries, if you have a need, please feel free to contact us, we will give you a detailed solution



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