Application of UWB indoor positioning technology in logistics digitalization

Source-Waytronic Security 2024-07-26

How Does UWB Technology Work?

Ultra Wideband (UWB) technology is a wireless technology that communicates and localizes by transmitting short pulses of signals, much like Bluetooth and WIFI. But the difference is that it operates at very high frequencies (a wide spectrum of GHz frequencies) and can be used to capture highly accurate spatial and directional data.

Features of UWB Technology

Highly accurate positioning: UWB can achieve centimeter-level positioning accuracy, which makes it very useful in applications that require high-precision positioning.

High anti-jamming capability: Since the bandwidth of UWB signals is very wide, they are more resistant to jamming than traditional narrowband systems.

Low power consumption: UWB signals have very low transmit power, which allows the device to operate for long periods of time.

High real-time performance: UWB is capable of fast positioning and supports real-time data transmission.

UWB Technology in Digital Logistics Applications

Inventory Management

Accurately locating inventory: Using UWB technology, it is possible to accurately track the location of each item in the warehouse. This reduces the time spent looking for inventory items and optimizes the warehouse layout.

Automated inventory counting: The location and quantity of items stored are automatically identified and recorded by UWB tags, reducing errors and workload of human inventory counting.

Asset Tracking

Real-time tracking of equipment and vehicles: Logistics centers usually need to manage a large number of equipment and vehicles. By installing UWB tags on these equipment and vehicles, real-time tracking and management can be achieved.

Prevent loss of assets: When assets leave the designated area, the system can automatically alarm to prevent assets from being lost or stolen.

Personnel Location and Safety

Improve operational safety: UWB can be used to monitor the location of employees in the warehouse and prevent them from entering dangerous areas.

Optimize personnel scheduling: By knowing where employees are in the warehouse, human resources can be better scheduled and work efficiency can be improved.

Automated Guided Vehicles (AGV)

Navigation and path optimization: UWB technology can help AGVs achieve precise navigation and path optimization, reducing path deviation and traffic congestion.

Dynamic Task Assignment: Adjusting the tasks of AGVs according to real-time logistics demand improves the response speed of logistics centers.

Supply chain transparency

All-link tracking: UWB can be used in the entire supply chain, from production, transportation to warehousing in each link, to provide high-precision positioning services, to realize the transparent management of the supply chain.

Data-driven decision-making: By collecting and analyzing location data, the operation of each link in the supply chain can be optimized to improve logistics efficiency and customer satisfaction.

Advantages of UWB Indoor Positioning Technology

High Accuracy and Reliability: UWB provides higher positioning accuracy and real-time performance compared to RFID and Wi-Fi.RFID is usually used for simple identification and management, but is not as good as UWB in terms of accuracy and real-time performance.Wi-Fi positioning accuracy is usually lower and prone to interference. Compared to Bluetooth, Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) positioning accuracy is typically in the meter range, while UWB is capable of achieving much higher positioning accuracy. In addition, UWB has better stability in complex environments.

Low latency: UWB can achieve millisecond positioning response times, which is important for logistics scenarios that require real-time monitoring and rapid response.

Adaptation to complex environments: UWB signals can penetrate obstacles and are not susceptible to interference from other wireless devices, making it suitable for use in metallic and complex reflective environments.

Many large enterprises have adopted the technology of UWB indoor positioning for warehouse logistics applications. For example, Amazon, Jingdong and other large logistics companies, these companies use UWB technology to achieve efficient warehouse management and rapid order fulfillment. And there are also many modern warehouses using UWB for automated equipment navigation to improve the degree of automation and efficiency of warehouse operations.

UWB indoor positioning technology can meet the requirements of digital logistics for high accuracy, real-time, and safety, and promote the intelligent and automated development of logistics operations. Its reliability and high-precision positioning capability in complex environments make it an indispensable key technology in modern digital logistics systems.

To learn more about the application of UWB indoor positioning in warehousing and logistics, please feel free to contact us!



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