【Entrance/Intersection/Corner】Collision Avoidance System
In warehouses, entrances or passageways, no-passing signs are projected on the ground, combined with audible and visual voice prompts to attract the attention of pedestrians, instructing them to pause and prevent collisions with vehicles.
Auto InductionProjection Signage AlertsAudible and Visual Alerts
At plant intersections and warehouse entrances, collisions can easily occur due to limited vision and hearing. Therefore, when the forklift arrives within the distance sensing range of the projector light, it will trigger the projector light to project a sign on the ground to remind the pedestrians, and at the same time, the warning light will also emit a voice reminder.
Safety Hazard

In the factory intersection, the entrance and exit of the workshop and the warehouse channel, etc., due to the blockage of buildings and other objects, the driver cannot see the pedestrians or vehicles passing through the intersection or the entrance of the warehouse workshop, and there are frequent cross operations in the factory, and due to the noise and other factors of interference, the driver's and pedestrian's visual and auditory senses are greatly affected, and it is extremely easy to have collision accidents.

Sign Projection

When a vehicle approaches an intersection or warehouse entrance, a no-traffic sign is projected on the ground, such as the red sign "Attention Vehicles" or "Stop Traffic" (signs can be customized). When there are no vehicles passing by, the ground will display a green crosswalk, indicating that pedestrians can pass through.

Audible and Visual Warning

When the projector light detects a forklift truck, the projector light will emit a logo and the system will trigger the sound and light device to emit flashing lights and loud sounds to alert pedestrians. In addition, it can be combined with voice prompts to clearly state "Attention, vehicle is passing, no passing" and other similar instructions.

Sensor and Control System

The entire system relies on sensors to detect approaching vehicles, and a centralized control system to manage the sign projection and the triggering of the audible and visual alerts.

Immediate response

The system is able to quickly sense the approaching vehicles, quickly convert the signs and issue voice prompts to ensure that pedestrians are informed in a timely manner.

Clear and intuitive

Clearly projected signs and voice prompts can intuitively warn pedestrians not to pass, reducing the possibility of misunderstanding.

Reduce human error

The system is automatically set to sense the approach of vehicles, reducing the possibility of safety accidents caused by human error and improving the safety of the factory.


The system can be customized and adjusted according to the flow of people and vehicles in the factory to adapt to the needs of different time periods.



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