Warehouse / Doorway / Passageway Collision Avoidance
Warehouse / Doorway / Passageway Collision Avoidance
Detecting pedestrians and forklift trucks through Ultra Wide Band (UWB) technology, an audible and visual alarm warns surrounding pedestrians when a forklift truck passes through a doorway or passageway.
Warehouse pedestrian safetyUWB collision avoidanceBlind spot collision avoidance
Safety Hazards

At the intersection of the factory, the entrance and exit door of the workshop, the warehouse passageway, etc., due to the blockage of the building, goods or other objects, the driver may not be able to see the pedestrians or other vehicles at the intersection or the entrance/exit of the warehouse, and the frequent cross operation of people and vehicles in the factory area, as well as the interference of the noise and other factors, the visual and auditory communication between the driver and the pedestrians is greatly restricted, which is very prone to cause collision accidents.

Safety Hazards

Solution Overview:

Precise ranging using Ultra Wideband (UWB) technology, which allows for centimeter-level distance measurements. UWB sensors are installed at the doorway to monitor the entry and exit of forklifts in real time. When the system detects a forklift passing through the doorway, an alarm is issued to alert surrounding pedestrians. This technology dramatically improves the safety and efficiency of forklift operations and reduces the likelihood of collisions.

Forklift warning system

Main Functions:

High-precision ranging: Using UWB technology, the system can measure the distance between the host and the tag in real time with a maximum accuracy of 10 centimeters.

Collision avoidance warning: When a forklift passes through the doorway, the system will immediately sound an alarm to alert pedestrians to the presence of a forklift.

Audible and visual voice prompts: By voice announcement (please pay attention, the vehicle is passing!) and flashing warning lights to remind pedestrians to pay attention to safety.

Collision avoidance warning

Sign projection (customization required): When a forklift truck passes through a doorway, no-trespassing signs are projected on the ground, such as "Watch for Vehicles" or "Stop Signs," instructing pedestrians to pause and prevent collisions with vehicles.

Solution Advantages:
  • Immediacy: The ability to respond to approaching vehicles with quick alerts ensures that pedestrians are informed in a timely manner.

  • Intuitive: No-trespassing signs and audible and visual cues visually tell pedestrians not to pass.

  • Flexibility: It can be customized and configured according to different scenarios and needs to ensure close integration with actual applications.

  • Safety: improves the safety and efficiency of factory warehouse work and reduces the occurrence of collisions.

Solution application

Widely used in various types of factories (yards), warehouses, logistics centers and other places, especially in the people, vehicles, things mixed operation area, forklift trucks need to frequently reversing, driving and small space, blind spot, the application of this system is particularly important.

solution application



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