CosMedica China Cosmetics Forklift Speed Limiter Cases
CosMedica China Cosmetics Forklift Speed Limiter Cases
Although electric forklifts are quiet, they are not fitted with alarms, and in this noisy production environment, drivers often fail to hear the direction of movement of pedestrians. As a result, in order to rush, they always speed up and work directly with very fast speed. At the warehouse aisle entrance, they do not slow down either, and they simply fly by the seat of their pants.
Customer Introduction

Cosmeceuticals (China) Cosmetics Co., Ltd, the forklift drivers in their factory, those are some hardcore porters! However, it is these mighty hardcore men who are in big trouble in this narrow workshop. They have to carry those heavy cosmetic containers, but the workshop is as narrow as a corridor, which is a real problem. Not only that, there are a lot of cars and a lot of people, and there are also a lot of safety hazards.

Although electric forklifts are quiet, they are not equipped with alarm devices, and in this noisy production environment, drivers often can't hear the direction of movement of pedestrians. As a result, in order to hurry, they always speed up and work directly with very fast speeds. They also don't slow down at warehouse aisle doorways, which are simply flying by the seat of their pants.


Reasons for cooperation

1, the narrow workshop will cause collision accidents between forklifts and other objects;

2, the site operators are also very much, the electric forklift driving sound is small, and the vehicle is not installed other alarm devices, in the noisy production environment the driver can not identify the direction of pedestrian action so in the production workshop, the car more people are also prone to certain security risks;

3, the forklift operation management is more chaotic, in order to grab time to do the task, always speeding, are directly with a very fast speed directly to the operation;

4, in the warehouse aisle doorway more places are directly through the speeding without speed reduction.



Factory forklift installed Waytronic Security SF-110 forklift safety management system, can limit the speed and identify the actual speed, the vehicle in reverse when the system issued a warning sound, the customer believes that the product function meets the demand, targeted to solve the problem, to avoid the safety accidents caused by speeding.


Customer Evaluation

Safety is the most important! The factory requires drivers to drive within the regulated speed, but they always forget. Therefore, we have to remind every employee to remember that safety comes first! In order to ensure the safety of yourself and others, please obey the traffic rules when driving and don't drive over the speed limit. Through safety education and technology products, we will work together to create a safe production environment through a two-pronged approach!"



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