Midea Household Appliances
Midea Household Appliances
How many safety hazards are there in areas such as manufacturing plants, inside warehouses and factory parks? Especially the handling of large home appliances is more likely to cause accidents. A household appliance company, in order to regulate the driving behavior of forklift drivers, surprisingly decided to forklift trucks with forklift collision avoidance system, so that the risk of advance warning, not only to protect the safety of workers, but also to enable enterprises to better manage vehicles and drivers, improve productivity.
Customer Introduction

A company specializing in the production of household appliances industry is mainly enterprises, in the industry has a considerable scale, greater influence, rapid development of enterprises, the company's forklift trucks are mainly used in the scope of production workshops, warehouses, and factory parks and other scopes. The production equipment belongs to large home appliances, such as refrigerators, freezers, etc., need forklifts or special large-scale trucks for handling. Therefore, in the production workshop, there are many people and cars, and it is easy for certain safety hazards to occur.


Warehouse because the goods are many and stacked densely, resulting in narrow warehouse roads, forklift trucks handling goods is easy to run into the site operators or run into the goods. Forklift drivers have been driving for many years, and it is easy to reduce the safety awareness. The customer hopes that the forklift trucks have CarLog to regulate the driving behavior of forklift drivers, and in the event of an accident, the responsibility can be directly traced to the person.


Reasons for cooperation

1、Warehouse has 3 sets of forklifts, forklifts in the factory loads need to be close to the personnel to assist in hanging the goods on the forklift attachments, man-vehicle interaction operations are frequent;

2、Forklift trucks are loaded with goods in front of the line of sight blocking, forklift driver's field of vision there is a blind spot, you can only drive in reverse;

3、Working area has workers walking back and forth, need to enhance the safety of warehouse staff;

4、Forklift drivers in order to complete the work in advance, often do not comply with the rules, speed driving forklift;

5、There is no perfect forklift management system and forklift scheduling system, shipping busy period will seriously affect the production schedule.


Implementation results

Factory forklift installed Waytronic Security's SF-421 Forklift AI Collision Avoidance System + Forklift Safety Management System, the use of AI technology to monitor the front and back of the people walking back and forth, when the distance between the forklift and the personnel is close to the danger, the system sends out sound and light alarm signals or speed control, to play the role of collision avoidance and warning.


The product is equipped with a display screen with image function, which can watch whether there are obstacles before and after the display screen, reducing the front and rear vision blind spot, enhancing driver safety and warehouse worker safety.


At present, the customer has placed a batch order with good feedback, and it is expected that other divisions will also choose Vantage Safety's products for more in-depth cooperation in the future.

Customer evaluation

Waytronic Security SF-421 Forklift AI Collision Avoidance System has a full range of functions. Forklifts equipped with the AI Collision Avoidance System have become safer, more efficient, and more convenient to manage, and have now become our "comrades-in-arms" and "good helpers"! "




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